A deliberative co-design workshop on novel food held by the Civic Tech Lab

November 30 - November 30, 2024

"Taste Tomorrow: Co-Creating the Future of Food in Singapore" is a deliberative co-design workshop open to the public. The workshop has a unique way of presenting information to the attendees, followed by a small-group deliberation through discussing novel food label design decisions. We had five 10-minute talks that introduced key concerns like culture, trust, and risk perception in novel food, accompanied by two talks that presented findings about green and food labeling.

Our co-design sessions focused on bringing out diverse perspectives from the attendees and encouraged the exchange of viewpoints. The sessions underwent a series of design decisions to make the deliberation practical with meaningful outputs.

Stay tuned for post-workshop highlights and opportunities to continue the conversation!

Citizen ScienceCivic TechOnline DeliberationCommunityEventsWorkshopSingapore